Pick and Pull Sell Car.

We Buy Cars for Cash.
Instant Offer, Free Towing
& Get Paid on the Spot.
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Happy Car Seller
4.9 stars based on over 5,000+ happy customers

We Pay the Most for Junk Cars

How It Works:
1. Get an Instant Offer
Within 2 minutes, you can get your Instant offer. Over the phone or online.
2. Accept Offer
Once you’re happy with our offer, you simply accept online or over the phone.
3. Get Paid
With Free towing, we come to you and pay you at the time of pick-up. It’s that easy!

Don't Waste Time and Money Trying to Fix Your Car

Instead, let us give you an instant offer and use that money towards a newer, headache-free car.
Get My Offer Now

We’ll buy ANY Car in ANY Condition

No matter the Year, Make, Model or Location
Pick and Pull Old Car
Old Cars
Old as a dinosaur? We don’t mind! We’ll buy your car no matter how old or new it is!
Damaged Car
Damaged Cars
Is your car damaged or wrecked? That’s fine with us, we specialize in buying less than perfect cars.
Pick and Pull Clean Car
Clean Cars
We love buying nicer cars too! If it has no issues at all, no prob, we’ll make you an offer on it.
Our Testimonials

See what our customers are saying

  • Julio B.
    Chicago, IL
    "Fast and highest offer. I called 3 other companies to see what they would pay for my Civic that didn’t drive anymore. It was beat up and I thought I’d have to junk it. But when I called PickandPull Sell Car, I got the most money and they were very friendly. I would use again in the future!"
  • George K.
    Los Angeles, CA
    "The team at Pick and Pull Sell Car were fantastic. Got a price on my Honda within a few minutes, they came picked it up the next day and paid me what they promised. Thank you"
  • Linda B.
    Long Beach, CA
    "Roy was great to work with. I had a bad experience with another location or company and when Roy answered he got me out of astressful situation. I was put at ease and given a fair offer. Was much easier than I thought. Can’t praise this company and their employees enough!"
  • Nitik P.
    Orlando, FL
    "It was easy like they advertise. Got a quote and car was gone same day. I didn’t have to take my car anywhere, they came to me and paid cash on the spot. Would recommend for sure."
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Call Now: 855-566-2001
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